What is telegram?
Started by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov in 2013, Telegram has had varying success over the years. Designed mostly as an IM and VoIP service, it has a current monthly active user count of 200 million. Given the popularity of this service, people have found this as a great platform to build their business or social circle. We dive in-depth into how you can increase Telegram members for channel and group keeping in mind a specific niche.
Note: Telegram does not allow advertising on their network. So you don’t have many options left.
How to open a group/channel in telegram?
- Open Telegram
- Click on the pen icon at the bottom right of the screen
- Click on either New Group/ New Channel.
- For creating a group, add the members and click on next and the group should be created.
- For creating a channel, simply give the channel name and a description and click next.
- Proceed to choose either public or private and also choose a suitable link that can be shared so others can join and click next and your channel should be created.
How do I find my niche?
Finding your niche is the first and most important step in building your business/social circle, primarily because a general approach to mobilizing an audience is nearly impossible and is not viable in the long run. Finding your niche helps you to socialize with individuals with common interests and goals. This increases the chances of progress substantially.
The first step to finding your niche is to identify your interests. Why does your niche need to relate to your interest? Simply because an interest equals a consistent drive.
Once you have figured out your interests, identify problems related to these that don’t yet have solutions. This helps especially when targeting a business since finding solutions to existing problems is what lucrative businesses do. In terms of mobilizing and attracting a niche group of people to your Telegram group, it gives room for discussions, brain-storming and interesting conversations in general. This is what everyone looks for when deciding on Telegram groups to join.
Nobody wants to be part of a dead group. Don’t we have enough of those already?
How to get more telegram members in your niche into your group/channel?
- Choose an attractive name for your telegram channel/group. The easier it is to remember the name, the more potential you have to increase members. Also, provide an accurate concise and catchy description for the group/channel.
- Always try to match your user name with the name of the channel. It makes life easier and increases the chances of appearing on searches.
- Research your competition. Most of the profitable niches have existing competitors. Find out what lacks in other channels/groups with similar goals. Find ways of delivering content in a more engaging and useful way. Within no time, people will be flocking to your Channel/Group.
- The quality of the content delivered. Ensure your quality is top-notch. We cannot stress enough the importance of this since at the end of the day, quality drives traffic.
- Use images and stay consistent with your posts. Always ensure your channel is clean because junk posts deter potential members.
The points mentioned above can only do so much to help your Telegram channel. Nevertheless, keep them in mind when creating a Telegram group/channel.
To grow it and to get more Telegram members, you need to go beyond the scope of Telegram.
If You Want Like-Minded People to Join Your Channel/Group, Follow These Simple Steps
- Use your website/blog to your advantage. If you have a website that has decent traffic, link your telegram id on your site as a banner to attract viewers to your Telegram channel.
- Use social media to promote your group/channel. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have millions of active users daily. Including your telegram link in your posts on any of these services will boost your group/channel visibly. Also use WhatsApp to popularize your channel.
- Use other telegram channels that are dedicated to promotion. This tip can have a varied success rates since it depends on the reach of the channel as well as the work of the admin. These promotions tend to be free of cost.
- Make use of Telegram Catalogs. For users unfamiliar with this, catalogues on telegram are analogous to directories. It lists Telegram channels, chats, stickers and bots that are worth using. Getting your channel in a catalog will significantly boost your channel visibility and increase Telegram members for channel and group.
- Use paid promotion. Lately, this has had amazing success. Increasing the general followers of your group will automatically promote your channel. One way to increase the numbers easily overnight and for minimal cost is to use paid services such as SocioBlend that have been tried and tested. With positive reviews on Google from satisfied customers, it would be an ideal method to boost the popularity of your channel if you buy Telegram members from such services.
- Use forums, blogs and websites that fall in your niche to spread popularity of your group/channel. Remember to choose only such platforms or else the quality of your channel will reduce.
Getting members and post views is almost always a snowball effect. Once you have a following of more than a few hundred, new members who fall in your niche will automatically find you. This is how Telegram’s algorithm works (similar to any other social networking service).
Make use of all these tips that have been listed and you will get your niche related members to join your Telegram group/channel within no time while also growing the popularity of the channel.