Blog Comments

We will create relevant blog comments on high PR and high PA-DA blog sites with your site link to increase the traffic of the site and boost up the ranking.


  • Blog Comments

  • Allowed Website/ NicheAllowed Website/ Niche
  • Allowed URLsAllowed URLs
  • Allowed KeywordsAllowed Keywords
  • Total LinksTotal Links
  • Page RankPage Rank
  • Pinging & IndexingPinging & Indexing
  • Work ReportWork Report
  • Turnaround TimeTurnaround Time
  • BlogViser 1

  • Allowed Website/ NicheUnlimited
  • Allowed URLs20
  • Allowed Keywords20
  • Total Links10,000+
  • Page RankHigh PR
  • Pinging & Indexing
  • Work Report
  • Turnaround Time5 Days
  • $18
  • BlogViser 2

  • Allowed Website/ NicheUnlimited
  • Allowed URLs40
  • Allowed Keywords40
  • Total Links25,000+
  • Page RankHigh PR
  • Pinging & Indexing
  • Work Report
  • Turnaround Time5 Days
  • $33
  • BlogViser 3

  • Allowed Website/ NicheUnlimited
  • Allowed URLsUnlimited
  • Allowed KeywordsUnlimited
  • Total Links60,000+
  • Page RankHigh PR
  • Pinging & Indexing
  • Work Report
  • Turnaround Time7 Days
  • $58
  • BlogViser 4

  • Allowed Website/ NicheUnlimited
  • Allowed URLsUnlimited
  • Allowed KeywordsUnlimited
  • Total Links100,000+
  • Page RankHigh PR
  • Pinging & Indexing
  • Work Report
  • Turnaround Time7 Days
  • $108


We only need your website URLs and Keywords to start working, shoot us a mail at [email protected] and we will take rest of the responsibilities.


Frequently Asked Questions

How many URLs & Keywords can I promote ?

Please go through the above chart to see allowed URLs and Keywords for different packages. After payment you will be redirected to fill up a form, please write your URLs and Keywords there one per line. If you have any specific URL for specific keyword, please write that keyword following that url.

Can Any Inbound Linking Hurt My Ranking?

The answer is clear and simple: No, inbound linking cannot hurt your search ranking. If inbound were to hurt your rank, your competitors would continually link to your site from link farms. Such a scenario is beyond your control. For this reason, Google cannot penalize your site for any inbound linking.

Will you provide Work Report ?

You will receive complete work report after completion of work, which will contain 100% live backlinks. We will check each backlink carefully before sending the report to you.

How effective is contextual backlinks ?

Google likes contextual backlinks very much, a well written article consist of properly optimized main and secondary keywords along with LSI keywords has an important role in site rank boosting.

What is your turnaround time ?

We will try to deliver you your report within the shortest possible time, turnaround time for campaign BlogViser 1 & BlogViser 2 is 5 days and for campaign BlogViser 3 & BlogViser 4 is 7 days. Instead of creating all blog comments together we drip feed them which Google likes most.

Is your service Penguin safe ?

Yes, our service is 100% Panda and Penguin Safe. We create backlinks following all Google guidelines without leaving any footprint. Moreover, after every Google update, we change our strategies to make our services compatible with Google updates.

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